One- two-three, one-two-three.. 2011 begins ... one-two-three..
Is that waltz ? Clearly 2011 is starting with another kind of tempo: a fast and dynamic one !
Fred Madiot just joined Obeo, you probably already met him at an
Eclipse Conference and know him through the Eclipse Modisco project. He is joining us to develop the business
through the Obeo Designer and Obeo Agility offers, we're quite excited about this and happy to get him on board !
Speaking about getting on board , we still have room for internships, if you're interested in working on innovative
open-source projects focused on modeling and app modernizations, feel free to contact us !
Now on to the 2011 subjects: as french we like to cook, here is a taste of what is going on :
You already know we're involved in many Eclipse projects, 2011 will see the launch of a new project named Intent [proposal] within the on-vitamin project Mylyn.

This project is transforming the tedious and boring task of documenting software into a useful and easy process.
You can have more information looking at the [Intent EclipseCon Talk], the [Wiki] (we're filling it up), [blog post
fromAlex] or simply asking in the [Eclipse
The Acceleo Team is working restlessly on enhancing the tooling (which is already awesome by the way).
The wiki has been reworked, my favorite page is the [Features Matrix] (credits to eGit release reviews
docuware) which will give you a nice overview of what is available and how. If there is one page to look at,
it's this one !

You saw [EEF in action]
lately, the 0.9.0 is in the process of being released (currently in RC), this version will be
the reference build for the upcoming Obeo Designer 5.0 !

If you're monitoring git in Eclipse, you might have seen the general project rush on this new infrastructure ! EMF Compare successfully
did the move, you can now easily [fork it] and experiment at will

[Patrick] also joined the team and actively worked on getting a compare
release which includes the MPatch support I blogged about [lately].
Speaking about compare you can expect user interface enhancements, merge stabilization and dedicated UML
support for this year. Coming soon in another blog post !
As I said : exciting times and dynamic tempo !