1 - Organization rocked
The event was perfectly organized. Proxiad and Zenika did a great job, timing was perfect for the presentations, the content was interesting and the french touch for food and wine have been highly appreciated !
Proxiad and Zenika are fairly original service providers : highly technical and active in open source communities, it's always a pleasure to collaborate with them. Congrats to the organizers !
2 - Diverse content
The talks were very diverse, from Ralph and the Eclipse Foundation to UI testing going through modeling, OSGi, Scout, BI and industrial feedback. A nice combination.
3 - Wide and Diverse audience
The event was free and attracted a wide and diverse audience. That was perfect for
me as I was there as "Eclipse Modeling Evangelist", helping people understand what kind of technologies we are
building in this project and how they could benefit from it with a very low cost or risk.
Slides (in english) are available here.
The room was crowded and actively listening. I had many interactions after the talk. The Eclipse Modeling project is very hard to understand from the outside, it is highly fragmented and poorly publicized. I'll try to give more talks of this kind in the future.
4 - Hands on
Afternoon we had an "hands on" session with Obeo Designer, timing was short but all the attendees managed to build a DSL and a graphical modeler during the session.
It's always enlightening for us to interact directly with users trying the technology. It helps us identify very small things which are making a huge difference at the end. Obeo Designer 6.0 will bring a lot of good stuff in this regard, stay tuned !
In a nutshell I really liked this event which is a good complement to other Eclipse events like democamps or eclipse conferences. I'm looking forward to it for next year and can only advice you to book the dates !