Obviously I played with the EEF based rich client for the forecasts, and from the moment the source code has been
made available I started hacking the code.
The forecasts, matchs and results are all kept in a model accessible through an http uri, and as EMF rule them
all, find them, bring them all and in the darkness bind them, you can leverage any Eclipse Modeling
component to hack something quite easily.

That's what I did with Compare.
I extended the EMF editor adding a specific action, "Compare with / Player with Best Rank"
This action allows you to compare your own forecasts with the best ones, and then merge your own forcast with the
best player one (Noooo, that's not cheating ! )
And here is the user interface you get for free*, with a pure semantic comparison :
* you have to depend on EMF Compare
Here is the logic needed to launch the comparison
I had to use a few tricks, I had to provide a
specific match engine enforcing the match of two players, otherwise the Compare component stop matching the
forecasts from the beginning as the players are differents.
That's all for today, If I can free more time for this hack I'll provide a diff extension to change the score delta representation to a more meaningfull one, so far it's left as an exercise for the reader ;)