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Cédric Brun

Build open-source technologies to enable mission critical tools for complex domains.

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Eclipse summit is almost over now, a lot of things happened and the modeling project is, for sure, really lively.

Many talks were targeted at people interested in models, great tools and business cases using these tools just show you may benefit using models. On a more personnal side the EMF Compare talk went really smoothly, the room was crowded and people had interesting questions about wether this component would be able to solve this or that issue. If you’re interested in getting the slides, they are available here.

The Rich & Ed talk really showed EMF, GMF and Modeling projects in general may be used together to produce complete toolchain, well, the mindmap domain could be seen as a bit trivial but doing so much things in such a short demo is already a challenge without considering a more complexe domain.

Integration has been discussed during the Modeling Symposium, basically technical and “user-centric” integration is something we really need in the eco-system. Discussions has been started with the GMF people about providing integration with “compare” but this is quite a challenging subject too.

QVT was also a hot subject, well we can be quite confident Quentin will manage to provide a nice QVT-Relational component.
More information will follow on these subjects, on a another side Trolltech guys were here and were very nice too and the poster reception (free beer \o/ ) eased to meet people from really different parts of Eclipse.

During this session I had been able to see a comparison tool for the HL7 standards which was using a similar approach than EMF compare, the author was very friendly and I’m looking forward to a possible collaboration.

Just a downside on this event, well, Nick was not there so I had not been able to offer him beer for his help in setting up the emf compare build, let’s just hope I wont owe you more beer since we see each other again or you’ll quickly get drunk