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Cédric Brun

Build open-source technologies to enable mission critical tools for complex domains.

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Through our leadership in open-source projects and technologies, we enable significant academic research across the world . In some cases directly with contributions from our PhD students (soon Théo Giraudet!) through collaboration with Benoit Combemale and the DiverSE INRIA team, within the EcoPlex project and Dalila Tamzalit at LS2N and many other over the years, but in the large majority of cases our contribution is indirect.

Researchers and students accross the 🌍 use the technologies we develop, they might reach to us through community communication channels but often they don’t need too, making it hard for us to assess that contribution.

A few years back, I measured Eclipse Sirius’s impact on academic research at the annual community conference SiriusCon. This year, I repeated the exercise by searching for papers mentioning our project websites on Google Scholar. To my surprise, just for 2022, 139 publications mentioned tools with our leadership📚. That’s 15 more than the previous year, and about 1600 publications in the last 12 years!

Mentions of OSS projects leaded by Obeo in research papers

This impressive result showcases the positive impact that Obeo has on the research community, and how Open-Source is an unchallenged multiplier in this regard 📈. We’re thrilled to continue contributing modestly, to the overall progress of science and engineering by enabling so much high quality work!